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What Does Wood Therapy Do?

what does wood therapy do

If you’re among the 41% of Americans who believe themselves to be overweight, you likely have struggled with many ways to try and lose some pounds. Unfortunately, unnatural weight loss strategies can be painful and ineffective, and the side effects can be extremely unpleasant.

Luckily, wood therapy may be able to help you reduce cellulite and contour your body.

But what does wood therapy do, exactly? Read on to learn the basics of this holistic health strategy and why it’s a great massage technique for health enthusiasts.

The Basics of Wood Therapy

Wood therapy is a massage technique that uses wooden tools. These tools are handheld items like massage rollers, cube massagers, and back scratchers. These are three of the eight core tools, which also include cervical massagers, gua sha massagers, lymphatic massagers, massage sticks, and wooden rollers.

All of these tools are handheld so that the user can control the pressure applied to their body. You can perform wood therapy on yourself or a loved one.

Flush toxins out of your system before wood therapy by drinking a lot of water. Create a clean area and add a soft towel or yoga mat to lie down on. Make the room temperature slightly under 80 degrees, dim the lights, and put some calming background music on.

Then you can get to work.

Grab your wooden tools and press them over the areas they’re intended to soothe. Roll them toward the heart to get your blood pumping in the right direction. Make sure that you use circular and lateral motion in addition to straight movements.

When you relax with wood therapy strategies, you’re engaging in a tried-and-true massage practice. It originated hundreds of years ago in Asia and is booming in popularity worldwide. People love it in South America and in the USA.

What Does Wood Therapy Do?

Wood therapy isn’t just a relaxing and mindful exercise. It can foster intimacy and connection between you and a partner if you do it together. If you perform wood therapy on yourself, it can get you more in tune with your body and how to relax it.

It’s meditative, feels good, and decreases tension! It can also help you sleep better because it eases the strain that daily pressure puts on your mind and body.

Eliminating Cellulite

Despite the awesome short-term effects, many people practice wood therapy to achieve long-term goals. Cellulite reduction is the primary reason that people engage in these types of massage therapy.

Studies show that many types of massages work as an effective way to get rid of excess cellulite. It’s unclear whether this benefit is temporary or long-term, but luckily those with wood therapy tools can engage in the practice as often as they want.

This makes sense considering that massages stretch and elongate fatty tissues on the body. This can make skin look and feel smoother.

More than that, it can make your lymphatic circulation better and cause lymphatic drainage. This is because it stimulates the lymphatic system, which is a network of vessels that delivers oxygen and hormones throughout the body via the bloodstream. Increasing this circulation lowers the production of cellulite and gets rid of it for a while.

A lymphatic massager can especially help with this. It’s usable for various massage styles including deep tissue massages, lymphatic drainage, and myofascial release.

Body Contouring and Sculpting

The elimination of cellulite means that you can contour your body better. Your skin will tighten over the muscles so you don’t need to worry about it sagging.

You may be able to tone and contour your body effectively over time. You also may be able to eliminate excess fat by removing cellulite from fatty areas. Your skin will be healthier because you stimulate localized muscle and fat tissue.

This trains it to sculpt in the desired form.

Additionally, wood therapy doesn’t just work toward decreasing cellulite. In some situations, it also prevents weight gain proactively.

Studies suggest that massages can increase your metabolism. This is because blood circulation increases and nutrients move between your blood cells and body tissues. This movement lets your muscles burn more calories.

Increasing Relaxation

Wood therapy is one of the best ways to relax and unwind. High-quality wooden tools make it easy to apply pressure that feels good to all of your muscles. You can relieve tension and unwind, which stops you from feeling tense and sore as you go about your day.

It also can help you to feel less stressed and anxious. Since your mind and body are intimately connected, wood therapy strategies are a holistically beneficial solution for both physical tension and mental distress.

Many types of massage therapy can do this, but wood therapy is extremely relaxing because you can do it at home. A home spa experience is easy with wood therapy tools, and you don’t need an expert to handle your body. You can truly let loose and unwind with daring aesthetic medicine.

To maximize the benefits of relaxation with wood therapy, consider incorporating aromatherapy into your massage routine. Gentle classical music or nature ASMR is a great way to stimulate your auditory sense, and olfactory stimulation will create a full sensory experience.

Consider burning candles, essential oils, or incense while enjoying an at-home massage. Doing this will activate your smell receptors so they can send messages to your brain via the nervous system that you’re manually stimulating with wood therapy tools. Your limbic system and hypothalamus will likely respond to create positive emotions and feel-good chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin.

Implement Wood Therapy Strategies ASAP

So, what does wood therapy do? Turns out that it can do a lot, including cellulite reduction and holistic relaxation.

Now that you know the basics of wood therapy massage techniques, it’s time to get high-quality natural wooden tools that will give you an unmatched self-care experience. Theraroots is committed to providing you with smooth and seamless wood therapy tools that give you a top-notch relaxation experience.

Contact our team today to learn more about our timelessly functional and aesthetically pleasing massage tools.

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