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reflexology massage thai stick

Reflexology is a popular wellness and alternative medicine technique. In reflexology pressure is applied to the feet, hands, or face, healing corresponding parts of the body. Practitioners of this massage technique believe that specific spots on the feet have a direct relationship to major organs and other parts of the body and that reflexology has dramatic healing properties. Reflexology is defined by this system or correlating zones, and the concept of pressure applied one location benefits another.

Reflexology is performed with the hands, fingers, or a specialized wooden massage stick. A reflexology masseur will reference a reflexology diagram whereas the right foot heals the right side of the body, the left foot heals the left side. The masseur will and use micromovements, pressing or squeezing, varying pressure, and stimulating the nervous system.

Reflexology is best known for its ability to treat specific organs; however it does have other benefits. This type of massage can promote general relaxation and relief, reduce tension, and improve overall blood circulation. Reflexology massage can cleanse the body of toxins, balance the bodies energy, and elevate your general health and wellness. Research has shown reflexology is also particularly effective at relieving anxiety, especially post-surgical anxiety.

Specific medical conditions that can be alleviated by reflexology include:

migraine headaches, asthma, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, period pain, bladder problems, and multiple sclerosis.

Reflexology originated in ancient Egypt and has been dated to 2500 BC. Many believe the first visual record of the art to be a pictograph located on the Egyptian tomb of Ankhamor.

For those looking to experience the health benefits of reflexology massage, the prohibitive expense of a professional masseur is not required. Reflexology can easily be performed at home.

Buy TheraRoots wood therapy kit for the ultimate reflexology experience.

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