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better sleep habits

better sleep woman

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.

The intelligent path to better health, wellness, and excellent quality of life runs through your bedroom. A quality night’s sleep is essential to living a happy life. Aside from upgrading your mattress, some other simple and practical recommendations can help you find quality rest.

A consistent schedule is essential. Call it a night and wake at the exact times each day.

Establish a pre-sleep pattern of behaviour. Activities such as bathing, reading from a book, or listening to music. Engaging in these same activities each day will let your body know sleep time is coming, thus making falling asleep much more effortless.

Healthy eating helps everything, including your night’s sleep. Consume fruits and vegetables, and limit empty calories. You will feel better, lose weight, and sleep great.

Exercise daily, on a set routine. Just as you should go to bed each night at the same time, work out at the same time each day. It is tough to get started, but the payoff is worth it. Soon you will be hooked on the energy and life momentum exercise provides.

No caffeine for at least four hours before bedtime. Set a cutoff for your last cup of coffee; the more distance between that previous glass of joe and your night’s rest, the better.

If possible, avoid alcohol. It may help you fall asleep, but it disrupts your sleep. You are much more likely to sleep unevenly and have nightmares.

Don’t ruin your rest with too much day napping if your schedule allows for napping; it’s hard not to jump on a nap’s respite, but you will pay for it at night. Napping can steal your peaceful night of sleep.

relaxing wood therapy
feet therapy

One last tip – back to basics when using your bedroom, it is for adult activities and sleeps only. No watching TV in bed, no laptops at all, especially not working on your computer while lying in bed. Your subconscious mind can pull in the stress from your online activities and associate it with the room, making sleep more difficult.

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