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acupressure massage

Acupressure massage releases blocked energy, cures common ailments, and relieves muscle tension. Acupressure is a traditional Chinese body therapy that utilizes pressure applied to acupoints for healing and relaxation. Think of acupressure as like acupuncture, just without the needles. Acupressure seeks to influence significant meridians and energy channels, increasing your vital energy and life force. Acupressure can remove negativity, restore positivity, and help you achieve overall balance in both body and mind.

Acupressure massage is performed with the fingers, hands, elbows, feet, or wooden massage tools, utilizing firm but not painful pressure. Work in a circular motion to increase energy levels at the massage point. There are hundreds of different acupoints on the body and limitless health benefits.

Acupressure massage is perhaps best known as a treatment for pain relief, commonly used to combat back pain and menstrual cramps; it also stimulates the lymphatic, circulatory, and hormonal systems. Studied for its ability to resolve digestive issues and boost the immune system, it is an excellent remedy for stress and anxiety. Acupressure works great for general relaxation, improves your sleep patterns, and lowers your incidence of headaches.

Specific medical conditions alleviated by acupressure massage include:

sinusitis, tonsilitis, bronchitis, gingivitis, gastritis, arthritis, impotence, infertility, incompetence, diarrhea, and constipation.

Acupressure massage originated in China around 2000 B.C., quickly gaining popularity as a superior treatment that healed numerous sicknesses and diseases.

For those looking to experience the health benefits of acupressure massage, skip the prohibitive expense of a professional masseur. Acupressure massage can easily be performed at home.

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